Always something there to remind me....

Publié le par The Girl who walks in the Light of Truth


You spend your life trying to get out of a situation. I'm talking, one that's really bad. The kind you think, "I'm never going back to this."
You know, it's the kind of thing that inspires people to become stars, millionaires...drug addicts and alcoholics.
Not that I'm going to be any of those (definitely not the last 2!); but still. This is the kind of feeling, no more than that, determination or a CHOICE that makes you look up, smile, look back, shake your head and frown.
But somehow.....just when you think you've made your peace with it, that IT'S comes back to hit you in the face.

What do you do? Scream, throw plates and rush out and start ranting and raving? Or sigh philosophically, sit back, do some yoga and focus on your innner well-being?

Or do you sit back and let IT happen?

I don't know about you, but I can't. I'm not the kind of person who sits back and lets a bad situation go on. I don't have the patience for that...and also, a very, very long time ago, I made a choice. And it changed my life. It changed me too, obviously. I decided to never be a victim.

What? I can already hear you; but you have to love and give love, and peace and harmony and stuff. And I agree with all of that; I do DO all those things. But I also love me, and I love life, and as such, I have understood one important thing: if you're not a victim, then you can't have an abuser, if you're neither, then you're a lover. Because, whether victim or abuser, you don't know what it is to love, and you will never learn how to be loved.

And that's what I'm talking about: I want to live. I always have. And living, well, isn't it all about the love?

And love? Isn't it all about being yourself and proud of being yourself?

And being yourself, isn't it all about trust?

So let's have faith and trust, because when it comes do it, do we really have any other choice?

Publié dans Awakenings

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