The Princess and The Knight

Publié le par The Girl who walks in the Light of Truth


She's in a show at her English Club. She's very excited, has put on her frilly pink Princess skirt and a matching pink top. Her hair is nicely tied back, and she reeks of Dolce & Gabbana "The One" which makes me think that she secretly went through my stuff in the bathroom. The scene is a little jarred by the fact that she's on crutches (albeit kiddie crutches, in bright red, green and blue) and her cast. But she certainly looks very happy and can't wait to get into the car and go.

Then she stops. Tom-Tom is following her, wheeling her school bag. He has a look of adoration on his face as he watches her.

"Can he come and watch too?"

I look at him. I'm guessing that, since she fell off her bike 3 days ago, he's been her happy slave at school. I shrug.

"Sure. Fine by me. Have to ask his Mom though."

I look at Mr.Always Right. He's put on a chic suit, with an open collar silk shirt. He looks good. I'm impressed. I almost forgot just how handsome the bastard is. He's dressed up for the occasion. He narrows his eyes for a second at Tom-Tom, then looks at me. He takes a deep, deep breath, then nods. His little baby, and Tom-Tom is her love. Tough for the Daddy this is.

"Why don't you all get in the car? I'll go speak to his Mom."

They all troop off, Tom-Tom wheeling the schoolbag, Mr.Always Right watching them both out of the corner of his eye. Princess is pleased; her two men are with her, they're gonna watch her in the show, and she couldn't be happier.

I watch the back of Tom-Tom's head; he certainly is a cute boy. Believe it or not, they've been "in love" for 4 years now. Seriously. They met the first day of Kindergarten. He was a year older than the rest, thus taller and more "ma-chu-rrrrrr" as Princess told me that day. Humph. Right. Mature. Okay. We'll have a more in-depth talk about the maturity of men later.

But he's cute like I said; a huge bright smile on his face, with a mop of curly brown hair and very gentle and kind brown eyes. And he certainly is kind and gentle; I've had the kid at home enough to know that. And he certainly is more "mature" than the rest of her class. He never balks at me when I ask him to clean up after playing (or as Mr. Always Right pointed out to me, this just COULD be a ploy to get us to like him. Good point.), he finishes his plate up (yes, yes, he HAS slept over here countless times. And when I give them their bath, Princess throws her arms up in horror and yells "I'm NOT gonna get NAKED in front of a MAN!!!!!!". I smirk at this, but give them separate baths. After all, I can ONLY agree with her on THAT point.) and he goes to bed when I ask him without complaining.

I have noticed that they whisper in their bunk beds (usually, Princess sleeps in the same bed with her friends. Her GIRL friends. NOT him. As I heard her saying to him, "But we're NOT married YET." Yet. Yet? YET????!!!! I burst out laughing, Mr. Always Right looked a little green.) and I imagine they talk about school, studies (or at least, I hope they do. I sincerely HOPE that it is all innocent.)

Anyway, the Mom gives me the green light; she has a knowing smile. She too is privy to the love story between Princess and her boy. She finds this as amusing as I do. We get along well her and me. I like her, and I like her kids. All of them good kids.

I walk to the car. Mr. Always Right is looking slightly put out. I look at him, he gives me back a look of "LATER". I shrug.

At the show, Tom-Tom is sitting in the row in front of us. There's another Dad sitting in front of him, so he has to crane his neck to see Princess. She looks at him and smiles. Tom-Tom looks very proud. Mr. Always Right taps me on the shoulder. I look around, and I lean into him. He whispers,
"Guess what Tom-Tom did while you were talking to his mother?"
I shrug. "What?"
"He took me aside and said, 'Um. I'd like to ask you something, sir. Man to Man.'"
I stifle laughter.
"And the kid looks at me and asks,
'Is it possible to be in love with a girl AND be her best friend too?'
That's it. I can't hold it in. I laugh, though I try to be as quiet as possible.
Mr. Always Right looks at the back of Tom-Tom's head.
"I didn't know whether to smack him or laugh."
"What did you do?"
He looks at me.
"Neither. I told him that it was better if they were best friends too."
I nod.
"You did good."
He grunts. "Yeah."
 The end of the show, and the teacher comes to the front. She talks about the class, etc. she takes questions. I lean over to Tom-Tom, and tell him that he can probably go on stage now and go to Princess. He shakes his head.
"Why not?"
"....Well...I mean....she's on stage...she's a star...."
I start laughing again.
"Now that the show's over, I think she's gone back to being a normal human being."
He smiles at me, then runs over and jumps on the stage.
Back in the car, Princess asks me if Tom-Tom is coming home with us. I shake my head.
"Sorry kiddo. He's gotta go home. I told his Momma we'd be dropping him off after the show."
She looks sad. I change the subject.
"So Tom-Tom, did you like the show?"
He nods enthusiastically.
"Princess is going to be another show, in June. She's going to be dancing this time. Would you like to go and see her?"
His face looks like it's going to break, the kid's smiling so hard.
"She's gonna dance on stage?!"
"Yup. You bet. And it's a paying show, on a real live stage, in a real live theatre."
He looks at Princess lovingly.
"Do you like ballet Tom-Tom?"
I glance at him.
"Well, I hope you weren't expecting her to be one of Lady Gaga's back-up dancers."
Mr. Always Right is laughing behind the steering wheel.
"No, no...I just am not sure whether I really like ballet."
"Well, you don't HAVE to come. I was just inviting you just in case you might be interested."
Mr. Always Right glances in the rearview mirror.
"You don't like Classical music, bud?"
"Well, I prefer rock music, but I can handle Classical."
Mr. Always Right and I are laughing.
"But...I'll go to watch Princess."
They look at each other with melting looks.
Mr. Always Right glances in the rearview mirror again.
"Is he holding her hand?!"
I give him a look.
"Be nice. He's your future son-in-law."
Mr. Always Right goes pale, whines in protest and coughs uncomfortably. I'm in hysterics. I find this hilarious to watch him being such a protective Dad. And I find it endearing. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather him be an over-protective Grizzly bear than a Dad who couldn't give a damn. It still is funny though.
"Ok, then that's settled. You'll be in the audience with us."

We arrive at Tom-Tom's house. The mother comes out to greet us.
"So, how did it go?"
I nod. "All good, all good."
Tom-Tom is out of the car, and so is Princess. She's on her crutches, and he's running around her. They're laughing and playing.
I tell her all about what Tom-Tom asked Mr. Always Right. She laughs; she looks at Mr. Always Right.
"You know, at least he was completely open with you. And there are worse boys than mine."
He nods and smiles.
"I know, I know. He's a good kid, he is."
We stand there watching them. They certainly do make a pair. And I know that we're all amazed at their inherent loyalty to each other. Although they've had some disagreements, they always seem to be together, those two. It's been quite a few years, and their "relationship" is as strong as it was the first year they met. Interesting too, how so very clear their respective personalities come out when they are together. After all, we only know them as our children. But together, they consider themselves to be two people. And that is what they are; two individual beings who apparently care very much for each other. So it is fascinating to see the "hidden" parts of their personalities, the sides that we don't get to see. And it is most of all fascinating to see how "adult" they can be.
I tell her about the ballet show, she nods. "Fine by me. You keep me posted."
I nod. "Will do. Ok, time to go now."
Tom-Tom and Princess look at each other, heartbroken that they have to say goodbye to each other.
"You'll be seeing each other tomorrow, you know."
Princess gets back in the car; Tom-Tom waves.
I watch her as she stares out the window at him, waving. In that moment, I feel like she really is growing up, as though some part of her, is no longer in my care, and is out there living on its own, without me, without my help. It's a little sad, and yet also, very uplifting and fills me with joy and optimism.
The joy and the optimism of life as it goes on, the world moving forward and all the wonderful things that it holds in store for all for us.

Publié dans Awakenings

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